Sunday, February 17, 2013

1 Greenside Bunker

The greenside bunker on number one has consistently been looking worse and worse every year.  This is due to the amount of play the bunker gets.  When golfers hit their sand shot, a large quantity of sand begins to build up on the grass bunker faces.  This makes for a poor rootzone, in which the plant has a hard time growing in.  The bunker also has a southern facing slope, which means it will be warmer and drier than others.  So when you put all those factors together you get this...
Excessive sand on the bunker face 

Large voids where the grass died 
The best way to fix this issue is to mechanically remove all the sod and sand until you get down to the original soil layer.  
Sod and sand removed.  Some areas had 5" of sand built up!
We decided to use turf type tall fescue instead of using a bluegrass, p. ryegrass, and fine fescue mix.  Turf type tall fescue has better drought tolerance, requires less fertilization, and in general can withstand more extreme conditions.  
New sod being laid 
Finished product 

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