Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bunker Maintenance and Reconstruction

Bunkers, Bunkers, Bunkers!!!  After many years of grass encroachment and sand movement bunker  renovations are a must in order to restore shape and turf quality.  After eight years this was the case at RiverCrest.  Here's an example of one of the bunker renovations we completed in Fall 2012. 
1)The sand was removed out of the bunker. 
As you can see the interface between the green and the bunker has declined severly

2) We outlined where we wanted the bunker to be placed and began removing the excess sand that had accumulated over the years. 

Outlining the shape we want
Almost 6" of sand had accumulated on the top side of the bunker!

3) We decided to give the bunker a grass face to prevent any plugging or fried egg lies for the golfers.  Soil was then added to make a gentle bunker face on all sides allowing for easy entry and exit. 
Notice the angle change with the addition of soil

       4) A small ledge was installed along the outline of the bunker to allow the liner to be stapled down and covered back over by soil.  This reassures that the liner will stay down and be covered over by the sod.  The old liner was removed and the bunker bottom was leveled and cleaned up. 

5) Liner was installed to help water movement through the bunker preventing washouts.


We used trident stakes as opposed to sod staples since they have
barbs.  This allows for little movement upward keeping the liner
tight to the soil. 
Trident Stake

When installing liner you want to take into consideration the
direction of the golf shot.  The liner should overlap with the
golf swing not against just in case your sand depth gets low.


        6) Fresh sand was added to a six inch depth on bunker bottoms and four inches on bunker faces.

6" cuts of drainage pipe were used as an indicator of depth
Finished adding bunker sand.  The sand will settle over the winter
months and more sand will have to be added in the Spring. 
7) Kentucky Bluegrass Sod was then put down around the bunker complex.

All preped and ready for sod
Final Product after sodding in the Snow!


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